Install OpenBangla Keyboard

If you had installed OpenBangla Keyboard 1.5.1 or earlier version, please uninstall it first.

Ubuntu, Fedora and their derivatives

Open your terminal and run this command on your bash shell. NB : It has to be BASH, otherwise it won’t work.

bash -c "$(wget -q -O -)"

If this does not workout for you please create an Issue. While we look into the problem you can check the Wiki for Distrowise/Distro-specific Install Instructions.

Archlinux and it’s derivatives

There are two packages for OpenBangla Keyboard in the Arch User Repository(AUR). Use openbangla-keyboard if you want to make and install the package from source. Otherwise, use openbangla-keyboard-bin to use the binary package released for Arch and its derivatives by the maintainer. You can install it in one command with your favorite aur helper. Example commands for some popular tools:

  • $ pacaur -S openbangla-keyboard
  • $ yay -S openbangla-keyboard
  • $ yaourt -S openbangla-keyboard
  • $ pacaur -S openbangla-keyboard-bin
  • $ yay -S openbangla-keyboard-bin
  • $ yaourt -S openbangla-keyboard-bin

Or install manually:

sudo pacman -S base-devel git
git clone
cd openbangla-keyboard
makepkg -risc

We also provide a .pkg.tar.zst package for Arch Linux which you can download the installation package from releases page and install OpenBangla Keyboard on your system by running the following command:

$ sudo pacman -U package.pkg.tar.xz


You can also install by downloading necessary packages from our Releases page.


After you have installed OpenBangla Keyboard, you may need to configure your desktop environment.

If this does not work out for you, please create an Issue.